Teaching and learning in digital higher education: an overview
These Bloom models and guidelines are about the design and development of digital teaching and learning in higher education: basic concepts in digital higher education; synchronous hybrid education; blended education; online distance education; quality assurance in digital higher education; and institutional policies in digital higher education This eBook contains models and guidelines for digital higher […]
Models and guidelines for the design and development of digital teaching and learning in higher education

This eBook provides pedagogical models and guidelines for designing and developing teaching and learning in digital higher education. After COVID, there was a shift from emergency practices to the “new normal” led by innovative digital pedagogies. The BLOOM hub presents a series of models and guidelines for key educational formats for digital higher education courses and programmes, […]
Develop a sustainability framework
The partnership develops a sustainability framework based on a strong basis: Develop joint policies and planning for the medium and long term; Continue to align and involve partner universities; Organize an annual institutional evaluation with an improvement plan; Develop a sustainable financial framework; Promote the broader development of continuing education and professionaldevelopment as the third […]
Anderson, L. W. and Krathwohl, D. R., et al (Eds..) (2001) A Taxonomy for Learning, Tea- ching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Allyn & Bacon. Boston, MA (Pearson Education Group). See also: https://thesecondprinciple.com/essenti- al-teaching-skills/blooms-taxonomy-revised/ Andriotis, N. What is microlearning: a complete guide for beginners. https://elearningindus- try.com/what-is-microlearning-benefits-best-practices Anstey, L. M., & […]
Conclude a consortium agreement
In order to consolidate joint responsibilities and activities, a consortium agreement must be concluded regarding: The composition of the partnership; The role of the programme team; The objectives of the programme; The main structure of the programme; The most important pedagogical principles; The way of delivery; Mobility agreements; The awarded qualification; The language policy; The […]
Develop a recruitment plan
Guidelines Define your recruiting area Depending on the objectives and format of the joint micro-credentials course, partner institutions can recruit learners at national, European and global level. In the case of transnational delivery, course and program designers must consider the characteristics and contexts of learners outside their institutions or partnership. Micro-credential coursesdeveloped in an EUI […]
Develop a business plan
The course team has to develop a business plan for the joint micro-credential course, which is depending on a set of parameters Benefit from public funding; Agree on a fee structure; Seek recognition and funding by external stakeholders; Provide scholarships; Ensure a fair allocation to partners; Connect with institutional business models for continuing education; Integrate […]
Assure quality
The quality assurance for a joint micro-credential course is a common responsibility of the course team. In this respect decisions have to be taken as: Connect with institutional quality assurance frameworks in the partnership; Ask peers for course review; Use quality assurance instruments; Assess the maturity level of the course design; Share and publish Guidelines […]
Determine formative and summative assessment approaches
The course team develops joint formative and summative assessment approaches: Create a joint framework for online assessment; Agree on formative and summative assessment methods; Use a reliable method of ID verification at the assessment point; Provide a summative assessment that allows for the award of academic credit through course completion; Provide a procedure for the […]
Agree on assigning an award
The partnership must agree on a joint award for the joint micro-credential course. Successive decisions must be made; Justify the award; Align the award with the institutional qualification structure; Awarding a micro-learning unit; Awarding a joint micro-credential course; Awarding a professional qualification; Use a digital and signed format; Integrate the elements of the EC proposal […]