Install a language policy

Guidelines Most collaborative programmes use one language as the teaching language, usually English. In joint master’s programmes, students deal with different languages and associated cultural backgrounds. Improving intercultural and communication skills can therefore be an explicit objective of a joint master’s. In some joint programmes, each university therefore teaches in its own language, which is […]

Create an educational and technological ecosystem

The partnership has to take decisions on sharing a joint educational and technologicalecosystem for the joint master’s programme: • Choose a digital learning environment; • Share, evaluate and align tools; • Share access to digital libraries and other facilities • Share access to research and innovation Choose a digital learning environment Determine on which learning […]

Agree on qualifications

The partnership has to agree on a qualification for the joint master’s. Successivedecisions have to be made: • Justify the master’s degree to be recognized; • Agree on the denomination of the diploma; • Award a professional qualification; • Define possible types of modular qualifications; • Design a diploma supplement. Guidelines Justify the award to […]

Design the joint curriculum

For the design of the curriculum of a joint short learning programme, successive jointdecisions have to be made as the programme is co-owned and co-delivered by allpartners in a distributed environment: • Define the learning objectives of the curriculum; • Design a coherent curriculum in content and structure; • Define course delivery modes; • Design […]

Compose the programme team: structure and tasks

The partners have to agree on the composition of the joint programme team: • Leadership and role of each partner in the team; • Tasks assigned to the team and individual partners. Guidelines Leadership and roles • The success of a joint master’s is largely dependent on the work of the programme management and the […]

Create the partnership for the joint master’s programme

The creation of the partnership for the joint master’s program is based on severalcriteria: • The participation of degree awarding and non-degree awarding partners; • The identity of the partnership to be developed; • Mutual trust; • Operational size. Guidelines Degree awarding and non-degree awarding partners • The initiative for a joint master’s programme can […]

Connect with institutional policies and strategies

Joint master’s programmes engage universities as an institution and should connect writ institutional policies strategies and frameworks for internationalization • promote a structural and sustainable collaboration between teaching staff and faculties of different universities; • create an international academic experience for students; • develop high quality academic collaboration and mobility in EUI alliances and networks; […]

The design of a joint master’s programme: overview

Development steps Designing and developing joint master’s programmes is a complex activity that involves several steps: • link the programme to the institution’s macro-objectives related to broader institutional strategies such as promoting a structural and sustainable academic cooperation between universities; creating an international academic experience for students; developing high- quality cooperation in European University Initiative […]


This e-book provides pedagogical guidelines for designing and developing joint master’s programmes, to be published on the BLOOM hub. The hub will present a series of models and guidelines for key educational digital formats for higher education courses and programmes, international collaboration and mobility. The basic premise is “teaching as a design science” (Laurillard, 2012): […]

Models and guidelines for the design and development of joint master’s programmes

Piet Henderikx, George Ubachs These guidelines were carried out at EADTU European Association of Distance Teaching Universities This work was funded through the KA3 Erasmus+ Programme, project NR.: 606692-EPP-1-2018-2-FR-EPP- KA3-PI-POLICY, coordinated by Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.It will be published on the European BLOOM Hub for Digital Teaching and Learning, Networking and Mobility. The BLOOM hub […]