Install a language policy



Most collaborative programmes use one language as the language of instruction, usually English. Unlike physical mobility in the Erasmus programme, online micro-credential programme are not intended for language acquisition, although learners deal with different languages and corresponding cultural backgrounds. Improving intercultural skills
can therefore be an explicit goal. In some programmes, each university teaches in its own language, which is more difficult with ‘minor’ languages.

The programme team can also choose to translate a course or a course package in the programme. This has become easier with modern language software. The interaction between peers who speak different languages is then still a challenge, although in the European context most (young) learners have some level of English proficiency.

Lectures or videos that are part of the programme can optionally be undertitled.

When courses or course packages are translated, they can possibly be localized, meaning that the course content is adapted to the learners’ linguistic, social and cultural context.

next chapter: Define an admission framework
previous chapter: Create an educational and technological ecosystem
back to overview: Models and guidelines for the design and development
of a joint micro-credential programme in higher education