Define your recruiting area
Depending on the objectives and format of the joint micro-credentials course, partner institutions can recruit learners at national, European and global level. In the case of transnational delivery, course and program designers must consider the characteristics and contexts of learners outside their institutions or partnership. Micro-credential courses
developed in an EUI university alliance are by definition international and may be designed to recruit international students, as MOOCs do.
The SLP4you, http://slp4you.eadtu.eu, and MOOCs4you (MOOCs for the labour market, https://moocs4you.eadtu.eu) portals give learners access to information about micro-credential courses and programmes and link them to their website, where they can register and start the admission process.
Organize multi-segment recruiting campaigns
The partnership should organize recruitment campaigns for transnational delivery. That is why universities and alliances need a website for micro-credential courses and programmes which they run. This website clarifies the objectives and profile of the courses and programmes, participating universities, awards given, student profile and testimonials,
and registration procedures.
Recruitment campaigns can be set up targeting companies, business sectors, professional associations, alliances and networks, as well as individual students. Various communication channels can be used, such as research and education journals, mailings, columns, blogs, and by participating in conferences and educational events. Communication and
recruitment campaigns should be set up for each target group segment.
next chapter: Develop a sustainability framework
previous chapter: Develop a business plan
back to overview: Models and guidelines for the design and development of
joint micro-credential courses and microlearning units in higher education