For developing a joint micro-credential, a course team has to be composed: |
Initiate a strong leadership
- The success of a joint micro-credential course is largely dependent on the course management and the quality of the course team. The course leader is a university staff member who assumes overall academic and managerial responsibility for the micro-credential course;
- This responsibility is shared with the other course team members who each represent and engage his or her partner university;
- In all cases the management is collegial/consensual in nature.
A joint course team should have a strong foundation, for example consisting of previous research relationships or at least common research interests, expertise in innovation, mobility schemes or internationalization projects, belonging to the same network or European Universities Initiative. When developing a joint course, course team members involve
their faculties in delivering the course.
The course team should involve learners in continuing education, at least for a certain number of tasks, to provide the learner’s perspective.
Team leader and partners should consider a time horizon of several years of course implementation to compensate for the effort involved in course design and development.
As a pen holder, the team leader must lead the design, development and implementation processes. He invites partners to bring in their best input at different stages. The team leader ensures that he has the educational, technological and organizational support from his faculty and university to lead these processes. Partners do the same on their part.
For the development of a micro-credential, collaboration with external stakeholders such as professional organizations and public or private partners may be appropriate, especially for the development of competences for the labour market.
The course team can engage such stakeholders as associated partners for aspects of course co-creation, for example the analysis of needs, the identification of competences, the development of learning outcomes or the co-developing of micro-learning units.
Share tasks
- The course team is responsible for all phases of establishing a joint micro-credential course design, development and implementation;
- The course team determines the examination rules, including the grading system and the conditions for awards such as badges and ECTS credits;
- The university of the course team leader is responsible for the (internal) quality assurance of the course, while each partner university provides all the data necessary to fulfill this task. Together they develop a procedure for the continuous evaluation of the course.
Each stage of development of a course requires a certain amount of time. Depending on the institutional support of the team leader and the partners, the design phase takes at least three months, followed by a development phase of at least six months after which the course can be implemented.
next chapter: Ensure cross-institutional support
previous chapter: Share a joint vision on the micro-credential course
back to overview: Models and guidelines for the design and development of
joint micro-credential courses and microlearning units in higher education