Piet Henderikx, George Ubachs

These guidelines were carried out at EADTU European Association of Distance Teaching Universities
This work was funded through the KA3 Erasmus+ Programme, project NR.: 606692-EPP-1-2018-2-FR-EPP- KA3-PI-POLICY, coordinated by Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
It will be published on the European BLOOM Hub for Digital Teaching and Learning, Networking and Mobility. The BLOOM hub is part of the OpenU project.

This document has been prepared for the European Commission. However, it represents only the opinion of the authors and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.

Piet Henderikx
George Ubachs
Final editing
Alessandra Antonaci
Beau Nijsten
Stefan Meuleman
eBook design
Marian Sloot || www.proefschriftmaken.nl
Henderikx, P, Ubachs, G., Models and Guidelines for Joint Master Programmes (e-book), creative Common license By-SA logo

- Introduction 6
- A joint master’s programme: the concept 7
- The design of a joint master’s programme: overview 10
- Connect with institutional policies and strategies 14
- Create the partnership for the joint master’s programme 19
- Compose the programme team: structure and tasks 22
- Ensure (cross-) institutional support 25
- Share a joint educational vision on the master’s programme to be developed 28
- Design the joint curriculum 31
- Agree on qualifications 38
- Create an educational and technological ecosystem 42
- Install a language policy 46
- Determine a joint admission framework 48
- Determine examination regulations 51
- Agree on a joint quality assurance and accreditation scheme 54
- Develop a business plan 58
- Develop a student recruitment plan 62
- Develop a sustainability framework 64
- Conclude a consortium agreement 67
- References 69
Resource persons
Alvaro Pina Stranger
Marco Renzo Dell’Omodarme
Frederik Truyen
Katrien Vanelven
Nadja Gmelch
Patricia Mata
Beatoriz Malik
María Luz Cacheiro
Alda Pereira
Dario Assante
Sirje Virkus
Alessandro Caforio
Elke Timmermans
next chapter: Introduction